The interlocking block silo system combines the flexibility of brick with the speed and durability of precast concrete. The blocks offer quick, flexible and instant silo solutions. Silo pit structures can be customized based on desired size and shape. Existing structures can be modified, expanded or completely relocated. It is easy to change the height and length by removing or adding blocking blocks. Other silo names you may encounter are silo bunker and precast concrete bunker walls. Synonymous with the same thing, but the principle of storage using interlocking blocks remains the same. The concrete blocks form a stable structure with strong walls that can support the load of the silage material when storing or loading and unloading the material. The precast concrete silo walls provide ample storage space for manure, feed and bedding.


Concrete blocks can be laid immediately, provided that the ground resistance is sufficient and the surface is level. It is not necessary to create a special foundation. The silo can be completed within a few hours, depending on the size of the silo. If the last block of your structure is in place, your storage facility is immediately ready for use. The blocks are versatile and durable. A quick and economical construction method with many advantages.

Frequent questions

It is not necessary to create a special foundation. The blocks can be laid on soil with sufficient strength and a level surface. This makes the silo construction process quick and economical.

The construction of a silo can be completed in just a few hours, depending on its size. As soon as the last block is laid in place, the pit is ready for use, providing secure storage for a variety of materials.

The blocks are versatile, durable and form a stable structure. This quick and economical construction method has many advantages, making it the ideal choice for creating silos.